Founded in 2007, San Diego Youth Gaelic Athletic Association (SDYGAA) promotes and organizes Gaelic Football for ages 5 through 15 in San Diego and Orange Counties. We’re proud to support SDYGAA to provide players the opportunity to experience a new sport, travel nationally and internationally and learn the history and beauty of the national sport of Ireland.
The term Na Fianna translates from Gaeilge, the national language of Ireland, to mean “The Warriors”. Players come from all over the globe: Ireland, America, Japan, Australia and even Mexico! The club has a very strong team spirit and is all about women playing sport in a fun and competitive environment.Na Fianna fields teams in Gaelic Football & Camogie.
Founded in 2001, the club ethos (in traditional Irish fashion) uses sport as the cornerstone of the community, where family and friends are brought together through sport. The Friendly Sons are proud to support Setanta in maintaining a club-based community that provides fun and friendship for the entire family through sports and social events incorporating cultural and community service aspects.
What is Gaelic Football? A team sport that originated in Ireland that is played with a round ball, slightly smaller and heavier than a soccer ball, on a rectangular grass pitch with H-shaped goal posts at each end.
Established in May 2010, St. Peter’s was founded by volunteers who are dedicated to the promotion of the sport of hurling and its cultural heritage. The Friendly Sons are proud to support St. Peter’s in their mission to provide opportunities to learn and play hurling for members of all ages, skill levels, and gender. It’s another way to promote greater awareness of the Irish culture and San Diego Irish community.
What is Hurling? A traditional Irish team sport that involves hitting a small ball, called a sliotar, between the goalposts of the opposing team using a curved wooden stick, known as a hurley. It is one of the oldest field sports being played today.