Join Us for a Pint and a Song for a Purpose.
The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick share our famous Irish goodwill and fellowship with the greater San Diego County community through social, cultural, athletic, and charitable events.
From parades to pucks, putting on the golf course to pouring pints for charity, the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick put the FUN in fundraising. Check out our events calendar!
We work hard to support our beloved community through charitable giving, good times, and goodwill. With your help, we can bring even more Irish smiles to San Diego!
Fierce American patriotism. Irish American pride. Giving back and giving thanks is the Friendly Sons way. We honor and serve those who give – and those who gave all.
Upcoming Events
Visit any event for more information and ticket purchase.

Our Last Event
Annual Membership Luncheon
On an Irish-weather day in February, the Sons gathered for our Annual Membership Luncheon at Tom Ham‘s Lighthouse. After a fine meal, we heard from guest speaker, Irish Champion Decathlete Louis Jordan. And William Kennedy was honored as 2025 Irishman of The Year! Hats off to event chairman Scott Harmes!
30.7 million Americans.
That’s 9.2% of the population whose primary ancestry is full or partial Irish, according to the 2022 U.S. Census.
The five states with the most smiling Irish eyes are: California, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida and Texas.
San Diego ranks 5th in counties with the highest Irish population.