Cultural Preservation & Community

Celtic design line
Mount Soledad National Veteran’s Memorial logo
Mount Soledad National Veteran’s Memorial logo

Mount Soledad National Veteran’s Memorial

The Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial in San Diego honors military veterans from all branches of service, recognizing their sacrifices and contributions to the nation. The memorial features a central cross and walls inscribed with the names of veterans, providing a place for reflection and remembrance. The Friendly Sons routinely honor our US Military Veterans and their families through volunteer service to the Mount Soledad National Veteran’s Memorial, placing memorial flags around the property, escorting Veterans for memorial ceremonies, and assisting the staff with greeting visitors from around the globe. Learn About The Memorial »

Irish You A Merry Christmas San Diego

A nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading holiday cheer through a unique blend of Irish culture and community service, the organization hosts fundraisers and charitable initiatives centered around Irish traditions. The Friendly Sons proudly support the Irish Outreach Center annual “Irish You a Merry Christmas” event, a charitable initiative with the purpose of bringing festive cheer to children in need in the San Diego community. The event is a partnership between The Irish Outreach Center and the four Irish sporting organizations in San Diego.

Visit Irish You A Merry Christmas website »

Warship USS Patrick Gallagher logo

Warship USS Patrick Gallagher (DDG-127) Dedication

The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, along with Irish Outreach and our many Irish friends across Southern California joined the effort to get approval for the naming US Navy destroyer DDG-127 after fallen Marine Patrick “Bob” Gallagher. The naming was celebrated at the “Songs of Irish Heroes” event in October 2018. Gallagher is an Irish American war hero who bravely served in the Vietnam war. Gallagher was awarded a Navy Cross – the second highest honor in the U.S. military. He sadly passed away on one of his final scheduled days in Vietnam, in 1967. He is one of 30 Irishmen killed in battle in the Vietnam war.

Read About The Dedication »

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